Friday, July 6, 2007

Spent a week there, one day.

There's a John Denver song called "toledo ohio" in which the singer/songwriter completely trashes the evidently boring town of Toledo....home to honest scales, good bakeries, and people who go to bed at 10pm every night. One of the lines says "you ask how I know of Toledo Ohio, well I spent a week day".

I used to get this feeling sitting in class in high the day would NEVER end. It felt like someone had forgotten to tell the sun to slip over the horizon and we accidentally just stayed in school for 48 hours without knowing it.

It's exactly the opposite sentiment of these lyrics that would describe the last three years of my life. Kelley and I entered into a new chapter of our lives 3 years ago that I like to label "The Good Old Days"......yes I know that I'm currently living IN what I'm calling a bygone era, but I really have a hunch that when I'm old, I'll look back on these years as the best......actually, I'm hoping that the "The Good Old Days" will include the entire remainder of my days on earth, but who knows right?

So the one bad thing about "The Good Old Days" is that you feel time differently when you're in them. I remember working at Lost Valley Ranch in Colorado and thinking that time moved by different, slower, lazier, but in a good way. Here in "The Good Old Days", life seems to race by like it has somewhere extremely important to get to. I'm trying to fill the time with rock climbing trips, backpacking adventures, lazy canoe trips on summer mornings, and other assorted outings with Kelley and friends to try and make Father Time smoke a big fatty full of lethargy, but I've had limited luck so far.'s been great....but it's gone by way too fast.

So in another effort to tranquilize that bearded mythical figure who commands my aging and to give Einstein a fighting chance at convincing more of the world of the theory of relativity, Kelley and I are heading on a road trip this weekend with the simple goal of slowing down and enjoying the 3rd anniversary of our marriage.

I feel that fun times are afoot.


Anonymous said...

So where are you going? What's the destination?

Jeff and Kelley said...

we headed to Myrtle beach on the in-law's dime. They were very loving and generous and it allowed us to catch up on some much-needed "us" time.