Tuesday, July 17, 2007


this evening

a violent storm ransacked my house

no...my mind...

thoughts like rubble lifted high into my conscious cloud climb

circling/spiraling/as if they were following some Pied Piper of inner monologue into the vast unknown of mental altitude.

then broken; smashed against the reaches of my cranial universe

falling back to where I lay my head like an endless drizzle of muddled nonsense

"what should I wear tomorrow I should go by the office before the seminar is at Richland Northeast in the media center has enough computers so that we can load the recording software is so easy to use for basic educational podcasts can't even be downloaded because the district doesn't have a good enough server that holds enough space when I go to teach the tai chi class tomorrow night should the students learn Xiang Gong or just more basic forms but we're heading to Fripp Island on Friday and I have to get the tires replaced on the Matrix before then so that we can learn to surf in time for Patrick's wedding but school starts back on the 8th or is it the 13th and then... I have those seminars...... to give... at ETV... on the... 31st ...........through ..................................the......................................... 3rd....................."

the rain stopped

I'll chance a zen-like sleepwalk through the humid and thick calm of a clear mind after a brainstorm.

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