Monday, June 25, 2007

Swimming with the fishies

Once we got through with our workshops and the keynote address last night down here at the NECC conference in Atlanta, we were able to go to the Georgia Aquarium as part of the conference package. There were about 3,000 of us trying to get in at once, but it was great all the same.
I saw my first cuttlefish in person! For those of you non-dorky types, I'm shameless in admitting that I'm fascinated with critters of all sorts, but when it comes to salty sea critters, cephalopods are my favorites.....octopus, squid, nautilus, and the masters of disguise...cuttlefish.
Here are a few pics as well as a pic of the most amazing whale I've ever seen in person. The beluga whale. Watching these guys was almost zen-like.

All this said though, I'm really not keen on being away from kelley for this long...especially over a weekend which is my only real time to hang out with her during the summer. I'll be glad to get home on Wednesday.


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